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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To use successful cleaners on supplied tubing with Hucker's Soil.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Five cleaners were selected from the previous test. These products were diluted to 5% using DI water in 600 ml beakers. The two supplied cleaners were diluted to concentrations used by client in 600 ml beakers. All seven cleaners were heated to 130 F on a hot plate. Photographs were taken of clean tubing pieces. The inside of 21 preweighed PVC tubing pieces (3" long) were coated with the supplied Hucker' Soil (Creamy Peanut Butter, Salted Butter, Wheat gluten, Egg Yolk, Evaporated milk, DI water, Printer's ink with boiled linseed oil, India Ink, Saline Solution) using a squeeze bulb and then allowed to dry. The tubing was weighed and photographed again to determine the amount of soil added. Three pieces were cleaned in each solution for 5 minutes using mechanical agitation (moving pieces back and forth at an angle) at 130 F. Rinsing was performed for 15 seconds in tap water at 120 F and followed by drying with a forced air at for 30 seconds at 68 F. Once the tubing cooled to room temperature, final weights were recorded, pictures were taken and efficiencies were calculated.

Trial Results:

Even though all of the products removed over 95% of the soil from the inside of the PVC tubing, most of the products left visual residue behind. Micro 90 and Lestoil had the highest efficiency and the least amount of visual residue. (See attached pictures). The table below lists the amount of soil added and removed from the PVC tubing.

Table 1. Soil Removal

Cleaner Initial wt Final wt % Removed
United 450 All Clear 0.3958 0.0050 98.74
  0.6270 0.0077 98.77
  0.5527 0.0059 98.93
Aluminum Aerowash 0.4295 0.0146 96.60
  0.5115 0.0134 97.38
  0.3590 0.0122 96.60
Micro 90 0.6499 0.0064 99.02
  0.4408 0.0030 99.32
  0.3476 0.0035 98.99
Sea Wash 8 0.5599 0.0096 98.29
  0.5540 0.0118 97.87
  0.6216 0.0113 98.18
SC Aircraft &Metal 0.5614 0.0216 96.15
  0.4242 0.0133 96.86
  0.4704 0.0182 96.13
Simple Green D 0.4444 0.0126 97.16
  0.4365 0.0091 97.92
  0.6083 0.0129 97.88
Lestoil 0.5343 0.0050 99.06
  0.3574 0.0026 99.27
  0.2603 0.0033 98.73

Success Rating:

A follow up test, usually based on company input.


Visual amounts of oil residue were visible on all of the tubing pieces.  Additional time or temperature may help to reduce the remaining oil.

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