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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate semi-aqueous low VOC products for manual removal of ink from aluminum coupons.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Following the selection process from the previous trial, twenty-one semi-aqueous alternatives with low VOC levels. These products were used at full strength and room temperature. Twenty-one preweighed coupons were coated with the supplied Dykem red ink. Once dry, a second weight was recorded to determine the amount of ink added to the coupon. In contrast to the previous trial, only one coupon was used per cleaning alternative. A handheld swab was immersed into the cleaning product and then manual wiped across the coupon for up to one minute. Following the cleaning, the coupons was wiped dry for 5 seconds. Observations were made, final coupon weights recorded, and the single efficiency was calculated.

Trial Results:

Six of the twenty products removed over 90% of the Dykem red ink within 1 minute. An additional five products removed over 20% of the ink. The remaining nine were only moderately successful (despite the negative efficiency) as noted by visual analysis (ink wiping off during drying). The table below lists the initial amount of ink added, the amount remaining, the efficiency, VOC level and observation for each coupon cleaned.

Cleaner Initial wt Final wt % Removed Observation
Soy Clear 1500 0.0071 0.0034 52.11 Good removal
Ink Zapper 0.0109 0.0009 91.74 Excellent  - 20 seconds
Methyl Ester 1618 0.0487 0.0329 32.44 Okay
Soy Cleaner 180 D 0.0397 0.0437 -10.08 Fair-foamy
Soy Solve II 0.0191 0.0201 -5.24 Okay
Citrus Soy Solvent 0.0244 0.0155 36.48 Okay
SL 100 0.0129 0.0204 -58.14 Fair-little
Organic Cleaner/Degreaser 0.0049 0.0052 -6.12 None-foamy
Kernal Clean 0.0204 0.0207 -1.47 None
Graffiti Remover SAC 0.0285 -0.0003 101.05 Excellent  - 20 seconds
DT 600 Wash 0.0130 0.0157 -20.77 Fair-foamy
EP 921 0.0080 -0.0001 101.25 Excellent  - 10 seconds
Inproclean 4000 T 0.0405 0.0294 27.41 Good removal
BG Solv 717 0.0133 0.0001 99.25 Excellent  - 10 seconds
3D Degreaser 0.0175 0.0201 -14.86 Fair-foamy
PES 320 0.0239 0.0277 -15.90 Okay
Graffiti Remover 0.0400 -0.0003 100.75 Excellent  - 20 seconds
Soy Strong 0.0421 0.0334 20.67 Okay
Smart Solve 605 0.0344 0.0026 92.44 Good/excellent
Extreme Simple Green 0.0279 0.0326 -16.85 Little/none

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


The top 11 products will be evaluated on the next supplied ink.

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