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Trial Number 2

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate effects of cleaners on painted products for stain removal or cleaning purposes.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Three coupons were placed in a Gardner Straight Line Washability unit. A Kimberly-Clark Wypal reinforced paper towel was attached to the cleaning sled and soaked with 4-6 sprays of cleaning solutions. Each coupon was sprayed 3-5 times with the same cleaning solution.  The cleaning unit was run for 20 cycles (~33seconds). At the end of the cleaning, bottom parts of the coupons were wiped once with a dry paper towel.  Final weights were recorded, efficiencies were calculated and recorded.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Initial wt Final wt % Removed
Moldex_PaintPrep_WaxPencil 0.0060 0.0069 -15.00
  0.0066 0.0092 -39.39
  0.0082 0.0074 9.76
Motsenbocker_WaxPencil 0.0118 0.0037 68.64
  0.0153 0.0070 54.24
  0.0086 0.0029 66.27
TSP_Substitute_WaxPencil 0.0005 0.0049 -880.00
  0.0052 0.0050 3.85
  0.0084 0.0079 5.95
Moldex_PaintPrep_WaxCrayon 0.0116 0.0128 -10.34
  0.0147 0.0117 20.40
  0.0147 0.0140 4.76
Motsenbocker_WaxCrayon 0.0141 0.0080 43.26
  0.0159 0.0083 47.79
  0.0152 0.0107 29.60
TSP_Substitute_WaxCrayon 0.0210 0.0209 0.47
  0.0155 0.0125 19.35
  0.0137 0.0126 8.03

Success Rating:

Test incomplete or inconclusive.


None of the cleaning products used proved to be effective in the task of removing wax pencil or wax crayon from a stainless-steel surface.  This experiment, if repeated, should be done with different cleaning solutions.

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