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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of five TCE alternatives at removing lubricants from aluminum alloys.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Preweighed aluminum coupons were tested for each cleaner. Coupons were soiled with Blasocut 2000 Universal Lubricant (CAS: 64742-52-5; 61790-44-1; 68608-26-4; 63449-39-8; 107-41-5; 770-35-4) using a swab to cover the bottom third of the substrate and dirty weights were recorded. Coupons were immersed, three at a time, in a beaker with 200ml of the chosen cleaner at room temperature (68 F) for five minutes. Visual observations were taken during this time, and final weights were recorded after cleaning. This process was repeated for each cleaner.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Initial wt. Final wt. % Removed Average % Removed
Fluosolv CX        
  0.0213 0.006 71.83 64.69
  0.0755 0.0297 60.66  
  0.0453 0.0174 61.59  
Fluosolv NC        
  0.1095 0.0013 98.81 86.73
  0.1015 0 100  
  0.3046 0.1176 61.39  
Solstice PF        
  0.0914 0.0022 97.59 97.39
  0.1643 0.0026 98.42  
  0.1012 0.0039 96.15  
Solstice PF-2A        
  0.1095 0.0012 98.9 98.15
  0.0493 0.0013 97.36  
  0.066 0.0012 98.18  
Vertrel Sion        
  0.0226 -0.0003 101.33 99.94
  0.0978 -0.0014 101.43  
  0.0647 0.0019 97.06  

 Blasocut took two to three minutes before it visually came off the coupon in each drop in solvent. Fluosolv CX had a thin layer of residue on each of the coupons.

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


Four of the five drop-in solvents were effective at removing Blasocut 2000 Universal from aluminum. Next steps is repeating procedure on Oak 7a lubricant.

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