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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of Shine bathroom spray and comparative products at the removal of bathroom soil on Ceramic, Plastic and Chrome coupons.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Nine pre-weighed coupons, three of each substrate per cleaner, were soiled with bathroom soil (28.6% All-in-one shampoo and conditioner, 21.4% Dry skin lotion, 21.4% Liquid hand soap, 14.3% Liquid body wash, 7.2% Deodorant bar soap, and 7.1% water) and aged for 24 hours at room temperature (68˚F). Dirty weights were recorded before placing three coupons of the same substrate onto the Straight Line Washability (SLW) unit. The cleaner wipe was attached to the SLW sled and cleaned for 20 cycles (equivalent of 30 seconds of manual cleaning). Coupons air dried at room temperature (68 F) overnight before final weights were recorded.

Trial Results:

Cleaner Substrate Initial of cont. wt. Final of cont. wt. % Removal Average Overall Average
1 Plastic 0.0282 0.0027 90.43 86.87 90.28
0.0446 0.0054 87.89
0.0429 0.0076 82.28
Ceramic 0.0702 0.0065 90.74 88.20
0.0614 0.0078 87.30
0.0781 0.0105 86.56
Chrome 0.0746 0.0030 95.98 95.77
0.0752 0.0039 94.81
0.0517 0.0018 96.52
2 Plastic 0.0428 0.0074 82.71 89.22 84.59
0.0962 0.0126 86.90
0.0613 0.0012 98.04
Ceramic 0.0849 0.0076 91.05 86.41
0.0721 0.0081 88.77
0.0802 0.0165 79.43
Chrome 0.0504 0.0059 88.29 78.13
0.0668 0.0066 90.12
0.0645 0.0284 55.97
3 Plastic 0.0524 0.0067 87.21 92.97 91.58
0.0426 0.0004 99.06
0.0489 0.0036 92.64
Ceramic 0.0613 0.0040 93.47 91.87
0.0667 0.0043 93.55
0.0464 0.0053 88.58
Chrome 0.0709 0.0066 90.69 89.90
0.0554 0.0054 90.25
0.0863 0.0097 88.76

(1) Lysol, (2) Scrubber Bubbles, (3) Shine Bathroom Spray

Success Rating:

A cleanliness study, addressing only various analytical techniques.


Shine Cleaning Spray had the best overall effectiveness at the removal of bathroom soils from plastic, ceramic and chrome.

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