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Client #516

Project Number 1

Test Objective:

Interested in having product testing for boat/bilge cleaning and other related soils and surfaces. Would like to include two comparative products. Potential interested in product formulation assistance.
Trial Number Date Run Purpose Success Rating
0 04/25/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing Hucker's soil from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
1 04/25/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing GS 34 standard maintenance soil from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
2 04/25/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing GS 34 standard production soil from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
3 04/25/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing Lithium grease from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
4 04/30/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing Lithium grease from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Rerun of previous test using a higher concentration of GeoPro X to see if the higher concentration leads to a higher efficacy. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
5 04/30/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing Hucker's soil from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Rerun of previous test using a higher concentration of GeoPro X to see if the higher concentration leads to a higher efficacy. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
6 04/30/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing GS 34 standard maintenance soil from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Rerun of previous test using a higher concentration of GeoPro X to see if the higher concentration leads to a higher efficacy. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.
7 04/30/2024 All-purpose test to determine the efficacy of the GeoPro X product in removing GS 34 standard production soil from a variety of substrates compared to other janitorial and industrial degreasing products. Rerun of previous test using a higher concentration of GeoPro X to see if the higher concentration leads to a higher efficacy. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.

Project Number 2

Test Objective:

To test the efficacy of the GeoProX on biofouling in applications relating to boat hull cleaning and bilge tank cleaning.
Trial Number Date Run Purpose Success Rating
0 07/15/2024 To test the efficacy of GeoProX in removing biofouling from stainless steel coated in boat paint and antifouling paint. Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.