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Trial Number 0

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the supplied cleaning equipment (microfiber mop and squeegee) against other traditional surface cleaning (paper towel, cloth or micro fiber alone)

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Testing was conducted using water as the cleaning solvent. The tabletop surface (wood veneer) was pre-cleaned using an activated water cleaning system to enhance the removal of any biological material from the surface. A baseline reading was taken using a Hygiena System Sure Plus ATP measurement device in conjunction with Ultrasnap ATP test swabs. A four-inch square section of the pre-cleaned table was swabbed and read with the device. If the reading was above 25 fmol, the surface was cleaned again to achieve the acceptable level of cleanliness. With a clean (biologically) surface achieved, a green grape was cut in half and smeared across the surface. Following the application, a swab of the surface was taken to determine the level of ATP on the surface.

An initial dry wipe was performed using a Kimberly Clark Reinforce X60 wiper and using a microfiber cloth. ATP levels were recorded to determine the effectiveness of the wiping action alone. The surface was then sprayed with water and wiped again with each cloth type. Both the paper towel and microfiber wiping were followed by a squeegee. The squeegee also was tested alone with water (no wiping with cloth). Finally, the wipes both sprayed with water (not the table) and the surface was cleaned with paper towel (no squeegee) and microfiber with squeegee. ATP levels were compared for each mechanism.

Trial Results:

All cleaning methods resulted in some decreased ATP level on the wood veneer surface. The dry wiping reduced the baseline ATP levels from ~7500 fmol down to ~5000 fmol. When sprayed with water and then wiped, the level of ATP was reduced to ~600 with the paper towel but only 1600 with the microfiber. When the surface was first sprayed with water and then wiped with paper towel, the ATP levels went from ~6100 to ~800fmol. With the surfaced then cleaned with a squeegee, the level dropped 269 fmol. The microfiber readings went from a baseline of ~7100 fmol to 269 without squeegee and 251 fmol with a squeegee. When the surface was cleaned with a squeegee alone, the ATP level was recorded to be 760 fmol. The final comparison was conducted when spraying water directly onto the wipe (not onto the table). The paper towel lowered the ATP to 767 fmol and the microfiber alone reduced the level to ~1500 fmol. However, when coupled with the squeegee, the level was the lowest achieved, 202 fmol. The tables list the ATP levels for the various cleaning scenarios.

Initial Cleaning Process

Cleaning processes Initial ATP Dry - 2 wipes Water sprayed on to surface
wipe paper towel 7669 5023 601
wipe microfiber 7823 5940 1612

Tabletop testing

  Grape Water cleaning -sprayed onto table top wiped with squegee Water sprayed onto wiper wiped with squegee
wiped with towel 6157 832 518 767  
wiped with microfiber 7130 269 251 1583 202
squegee alone ~7000   760    

Success Rating:

A follow up test, usually based on company input.


The Kaifly system of microfiber and squeegee was found to be an effective method of removing biological contaminant (fresh grape) using ATP levels as measured with a Hygiena System Sure Plus device with Ultrasnap ATP swabs. When compared to a high-end reinforced paper wipe, the results for the Kaifly combination system were slightly better at reducing the ATP levels. Follow up testing will be conducted comparing three types of paper towels (low, medium, high quality) and microfiber quality as well. In addition, other surface types will be evaluated for ATP reduction.

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