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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To evaluate the effectiveness of cleaners/solvents for the removal of grease on aluminum substrate for 30 minutes unheated immersion.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Four of eight cleaning products were diluted with tap water at room temperature to vendor recommended concentration. Three cleaning products were used at the recommended 100% dilution and the solvent option was also used at 100% for industrial testing; all cleaners and solutions were measured for 200 mL. Pre-weighed aluminum coupons were coated over 1/3 of the surface with grease that has been provided by the company by using a metal spatula; three coupons were used for each cleaner/solvent. They were allowed a 24-hour dry time at room temperature; their dirty weights were recorded. The coupons were immersed in the cleaners/solvents at room temperature for 30 minutes then were taken out and placed on trays with paper towels; they were left to dry for 24 hours. Final weights and observations were recorded and evaluated. 

Cleaners/Solvents used:

Liquinox (1%)

Dimethyl Glutarate (100%)

Mirachem (20%)

Metalnox (100%)

Micro 90 (1%)

Smart Solve (100%)

SC-Aircraft (5%)

Ozzy Juice 3 (100%)

Trial Results:

The coupons were still wet resulting in higher clean weights. No grease was removed from the coupon evaluated by visual observation.

Solvent/Cleaner initial weight of soil final weight of soil % Removal Average
 Liquinox 1%  0.5365 0.5234 2.44  1.47 
0.6479 0.6426 0.82
0.6797 0.6719 1.15
 Dimethyl Glutarate 100%   0.4352 0.4548 -4.50  -4.41 
0.758 0.8017 -5.77
0.5747 0.5917 -2.96
 Mirachem 20%  0.8628 0.8699 -0.82  -0.58 
0.9671 0.973 -0.61
0.6095 0.6113 -0.30
 Metalnox 100%  0.3461 0.5268 -52.21  -40.78 
0.8741 1.1302 -29.30
0.4841 0.6818 -40.84
 Micro 90 1%  0.6876 0.6699 2.57  2.40 
0.7716 0.7701 0.19
0.6219 0.5944 4.42
 Smart Solve 100%  1.0825 1.1647 -7.59  -15.30 
0.552 0.6869 -24.44
0.7421 0.8449 -13.85
 SC-Aircraft 5%  0.5955 0.5931 0.40  0.72 
0.7568 0.7455 1.49
0.7058 0.7039 0.27
 Ozzy Juice 3 100%  0.7029 0.7 0.41  0.37 
0.8383 0.8333 0.60
0.9868 0.9857 0.11

Success Rating:

Preliminary compatibility tests on substrate coupons encouraging for at least one cleaning chemistry. More in-depth laboratory testing necessary.


Additional testing is required. The next steps include adding additional time to the unheated immersion and adding agitation with a stir bar. Dry step included during testing when adding stir bar. 

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