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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To determine the effects of cleaners on the photographic stencil film.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

The CDF Direct film was cut into eight, 2"x4" sections. Each section was placed into a vial containing a cleaning product. The vials were capped and allowed to sit for four hours. At the end of the soaking, the film sections were removed from the vials. Observations were made and recorded.

SUBSTRATE MATERIAL: CDF Direct-Film (Photographic Stencil Films)

Trial Results:

Several of the cleaning chemistries caused the colored portion of the film to separate from the clear backing. Others left the colored portion wrinkled. Table 1 lists the observations made for each cleaner.

Table 1. CDF Direct Film Conditions

Exxon Chemical Colored separated from clear portion.  Color remained attached to vial.
AG Environmental Colored section separated from clear portion.
Envirosolutions Colored section remained attached to clear portion.
Finger Lakes Colored section partially removed from clear.
Inland Technologies Colored section became wrinkled.
Oakite Products Colored section partially removed from clear.
T-Square Colored section became wrinkled.
WR Grace Most of colored section remained.  Started peeling at the edges.

Success Rating:

A follow up test, usually based on company input.


Only two solutions left the colored section intact.  Of the two, Envirosoluions Bio-T Max, was effective in removing the ink in the previous trial.

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