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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

Further evaluation for ethanol replacement

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

The goal of this trial is to determine which chemistries would be a suitable substitution for ethanol.
From yesterday's experiment, six chemistries were chosen for reason of ink adhesion, low amount of residue and ease of drying. These six chemistries (Terpene Tech HTF-321, Oakite Inproclean 1300, Nalgene L900, Mirachem Corp. Mirachem 500, Man-Gil Gillite 0650-CI, MacDermid ND-17), were tested against isopropanol to determine their effectiveness in removing uncured inks and greases.
Fourteen switchboxes were contaminated. Seven switchboxes were spread with both the white and the black inks. The other seven switch parts were spread with both greases. One switchbox of each contaminant will be cleaned in a full-strength solution of each chemistry.
Cleaning took place for 15 minutes in a beaker with stir-bar agitation at room temperature.
After cleaning the parts were rinsed in tap water for 5 seconds and then left to dry under UV light for 10 minutes.
To analyze cleanliness, parts were weighed before and after contamination and after cleaning and a percentage removal was determined.

SUBSTRATE MATERIAL: plastic switch parts
CONTAMINANTS: Markem black and white dies, dark and light greases.

Trial Results:

sample # and chemistry Contaminant clean mass (g) mass with cont (g) mass after cleaning (g) contaminant removed (g) Percent Removal
1-Isopropanol inks 0.8518 0.8595 0.8531 0.0064 83.12%
8-Isopropanol greases 0.8551 0.8647 0.8561 0.0086 89.58%
2-HTF321 inks 0.8486 0.8559 0.8526 0.0033 45.21%
9-HTF321 greases 0.8467 0.8634 0.8609 0.0025 14.97%
3-Inproclean 1300 inks 0.8505 0.8529 0.8514 0.0015 62.50%
10-Inproclean 1300 greases 0.8467 0.8617 0.8577 0.004 26.67%
4-Mirachem 500 inks 0.8524 0.8545 0.8524 0.0021 100.00%
11-Mirachem 500 greases 0.8497 0.8597 0.8541 0.0056 56.00%
5-Nalgene L900 inks 0.8508 0.8529 0.8519 0.001 47.62%
12-Nalgene L900 greases 0.8555 0.8650 0.8650 0.0000 0.00%
6-Gillite 0651CI inks 0.8426 0.8467 0.8447 00.002 48.78%
13-Gillite 0651CI greases 0.8466 0.8554 0.8526 0.0028 31.82%
7 ND-17 inks 0.8456 0.8486 0.8456 0.003 100.00%
14 ND-17 greases 0.8572 0.8690 0.8627 0.0063 53.39%

Success Rating:

Results successful using TACT (time, agitation, concentration, and temperature, as well as rinsing and drying) and/or other cleaning chemistries examined.


Both the Mirachem Corp. Mirachem 500 and the Macdermid ND-17 were more effective in removing the inks than the isopropanol but were not as effective in removing the greases.

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