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Trial Number 0

Trial Purpose:

Find a chemistry that could dissolve the frit

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

The purpose of the experiment was to find a chemistry that could dissolve the frit and separate the two types of glass. The clients want to eliminate the use of Nitric Acid if possible, from the current separating process.
A 100% solution of a high pH chemistry was poured into a beaker. The frit filter was submerged into the beaker at room temperature. The filter was allowed to soak overnight. Any signs of change were to be noted.
SUBSTRATE MATERIAL: Glass frit filters (In place of monitor screens with leaded and unleaded glass)

Trial Results:

After 18 hours, there was no visible signs that the filter was affected by the solution.  The same results were observed after 24 hours.  At this point the filter was broken using a metal rod.  The frit was left in the cleaning solution for three weeks.  A mushy residue was beginning to form on the outside of the filter.  The broken frit had started to become dissolved into the chemistry.  (Pieces are available for customer viewing.)

Success Rating:

Test incomplete or inconclusive.


It appears that the high pH solution could be used to soften the frit over a month's time.  This method probably would not work for the monitor screens the client has brought to the laboratory.

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