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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

To clean 3 brass conical connectors

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

After the cleaning trial was performed, the parts were subject to contact angle goniometry.  Their contact angle was compared to the contact angle of several dirty parts.  Twenty-three readings were taken of the clean parts.

Trial Results:

T&D Finishing Co. TD-110
An average value of 45.043 + 7.081 degrees. Fourteen readings were taken of the dirty parts with an average value of 58.357+ 8.776 degrees.

Valtech Corp. Valtron SP2275
After the parts were subjected to the cleaning trial, they were then subjected to a comparative analysis to dirty parts, using contact angle goniometry. Fourteen readings of the dirty parts were taken, and they had an average contact angle of 58.357 + 8.776 degrees. Twenty-nine readings of the ultrasonically cleaned parts were taken, and they had an average contact angle of 70.828 + 8.414 degrees. This value is unexpectedly higher than that of the dirty parts, suggesting that the clean parts are not as clean as the dirty parts.

Success Rating:

Test incomplete or inconclusive.

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