Product Information

Promosolv 71DS2

Vendor Provided Information

Product information cited in this section is supplied directly by the vendors. The Institute has not verified the accuracy of any of this information and is not liable for any claims made by the vendors. TURI is likewise not responsible for any typographical errors.

Vendor Name: Inventec Performance Chemicals

Product Classification: Alcohol Organic mix, Hydrofluoroether - HFE

Recommended Contaminants: Films, Soaps

Recommended Equipment: Immersion/Soak, Mechanical Agitation, Ultrasonics, Vapor Degreasing

Recommended Substrates: Alloys, Aluminum, Brass, Ceramics, Copper, Fiberglass, Galvinized Steel, Glass/Quartz, Gold, Nickel, Plastic, Rubber, Stainless Steel, Steel, Sterling/Silver, Tin, Titanium

Safety Evaluation Details

-+ About the evaluation

Category Score
Acute Human Effect 8
Chronic Human Effects 6
Ecological Hazards 6
Environmental Fate & Transport 10
Atmospheric Hazard 2
Physical Properties 7
Process Factors 4
Life Cycle Factors 6
Overall Score 6.1

There are no laboratory evaluations associated to this product