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Trial Number 0

Trial Purpose:

To identify alternative aqueous products that will not leave white film/residue

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Using the laboratory's database for solvent cleaning substitution, the lab generated a list of products based on similar testing situations.
Contaminant: Threadkut #99 (64742-54-7, 83488-05-5, 72162-15-3, 68920-70-7)

Trial Results:

Searching the database for contaminant CAS# resulted in the following products that have been tested successfully.

CAS# in database: 64742-54-7
for Aluminum or Steel substrates

Company Name Product Name Classification
AG Environmental Products Soy Gold 2000 Organic
AW Chesterton 181 Low Alkaline Cleaner Alkaline Aqueous
AW Chesterton KPC 820 N Alkaline Aqueous
Calgon Corporation Geo Guard 2215 Alkaline Aqueous
Chemical Technologies Green Thunder Alkaline Aqueous
Gemtek Products SC Aircraft & Metal Cleaner Alkaline Aqueous
Hubbard Hall Inc Aquasonic 201 Alkaline Aqueous
Innovative Organics Inc Amberclean L 12 Alkaline Aqueous
ITW Fluid Products Group AccuClean Alkaline Aqueous
Safe CleanUp Solutions Super Neutral Enzymatic/Microbial
Simple Green Crystal Industrial Cleaner Alkaline Aqueous
Twin Rivers Technologies Methyl Ester 1618 Ester
US Polychem Corporation Polyspray Jet 790 P Alkaline Aqueous
Watson Technical Associates Watson Formula 7300 Alkaline Aqueous

Success Rating:

Technology Transfer.


Cleaning varies from case to case.  The SSL recommends process specific testing on potential replacement cleaning chemicals.  If more information is needed on a particular product or you are interested in conducting cleaning trials, please contact the lab at (978)934-3133.

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