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Trial Number 1

Trial Purpose:

Evauating ultrasonic cleaning.

Date Run:


Experiment Procedure:

Two cleaning chemistries were selected based on the previous trial. Five percent solutions were made into 600 mL beakers and heated to 130 F. The contaminated parts and shavings were submerged into the cleaning solutions which were suspended in a Crest 40 kHz ultrasonic tank model 4Ht 1014-6. Cleaning took place for 5 minutes. Parts were then rinsed in two tap water rinses at 120 F. Parts and shavings were then air dried at room temperature. Observations were made to determine which cleaner worked the best. Evaluations were based on how white the shavings were after the parts sat for two hours.

SUBSTRATE MATERIAL: Teflon parts and shavings
CONTAMINANTS: Oil-lubricating oil (CAS # 64742-53-6, 64742-52-5)

Trial Results:

After the two rinsing stages, it was noted that there was still oil left on the parts and the shavings.  The oil was more uniformly distributed in the shavings.  Neither cleaner was successful when used with ultrasonic cleaning.

Success Rating:

Test incomplete or inconclusive.


Since neither cleaning chemistries nor cleaning method worked, additional testing will be conducted on other cleaning chemistries.  Semi-aqueous products may be selected for future testing.

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